★ Connect - Prijateljska ljubav [HD] (Fame & Flame) (reupload)

2014-12-20 58

Watch fuul quality video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyzK5Q2IN9E

directed by: Robert Hedzet & David Burk
producer : Črt Erjavec
cran operator : Igor Babic
CoProducers : Boris Zemljic & Andraz Fistravec
makeup : Bheshana Gopali
production : Outdoggy video
coproduction : Fame & Flame
Special thanks : Franck, Hotel Betnava, Hotel Evropa, Hotel Habakuk, Piceria Ali, Restavracija Rozmarin, www.blackout.si, Night club Enigma, Mandara Beauty Center and others..

facebook : http://www.facebook.com/robi.hedzet
info : roberthedzet@gmail.com


Nakon velikog uspjeha prva tri singla s albuma "U drugom stanju", grupa CONNECT je izdala i četvrti - "Prijateljska ljubav" za koji su snimili i videospot koji je premijerno prikazan na www.index.hr. Spot je pod redateljskom palicom mladog ROBIJA HEDŽETA i DAVIDA BURKA te pod vodstvom OUTDOGGY videa snimljen u Sloveniji. U videospotu, za koji su se dečki iz Connecta našalili da je sudjelovala skoro cijela Slovenija pojavljuje se i Playboyeva zečica godine SANELA VUKALIĆ, koja je bila za Connect-ovce pravo iznenađenje.

Posebna zahvala brojnim sponzorima: Franck, Betnava hotel, Noćni klubovi Enigma - Šentilj, Hotel Europa - Celje, Pizzeria Ali, hotel Habakuk, Restavracija Rožmarin, Mandara Beauty Center i drugi.

After the great success of the first three singles from the album "U drugom stanju - In another situation", a very popular hip-hop / rap music-group called CONNECT has released their fourth single -" Prijateljska ljubav - Friendly love ", for which they filmed new music-video. The video was premiered on one of the biggest Croatian web-portals, www.index.hr. It was filmed in Slovenia under the control of young filmmakers ROBERT HEDZET and DAVID BURK; geathered under OUTDOGGY video production team. Connect member were joking, that almost all Slovenia participated in this video. The joke was mostly because appearence of Slovenian Playboy playmate bunny SANELA VUKALIĆ in this video, which was also very pleasant surprise for members of the band.

Special thanks to the numerous sponsors: Franck, Hotel Betnava, Night Club Enigma - Šentilj, Hotel Europe - Celje, Pizzeria Ali, Hotel Habakuk, Restavracija Rozmarin and others.